Unlike other career opportunities, Scripcorp Card Distributors earn residual income that can last for years– even if they stop participating in the program. Card Distributors print cards placed in convenient counter displays and develop online portals that allow public access to our powerful prescription discount programs.
Card Distributors

Card Distributors may wish to purchase printed cards which Scripcorp can provide affordably, or they can display a card image and graphics on a website. Our prescription discount cards can be delivered in physical (printed) form, or as an online card displayed on a mobile device that can be shown to pharmacy staff at any one of more than 63,000+ pharmacies in the Scripcorp network. Even over a short period of time, a Card Distributor can generate thousands of dollars in commissions that can last for years. Since most card users are also treating chronic conditions, they consistently purchase refills using your card (already on file at their favorite pharmacy).
Card Distributors are encouraged to purchase printed cards which Scripcorp can provide affordably, and distribute them in convenient acrylic displays at local businesses such as doctor’s offices, urgent care facilities, loan centers, job centers and high-traffic retail shopping areas so thousands of people can see them. They may also distribute card information online (or a card image that can be shown to pharmacy staff to receive a discount at the pharmacy counter) through a website of their own or through one of our custom websites we offer our Distributors.
Each time a Distributor’s card is used by a consumer to purchase a qualifying prescription,* Distributors earn $1.00, paid monthly, which can add up quickly. Successful printed Card Distributors create “routes” where card displays are located, simply refilling them periodically and adding more locations whenever possible.
Online Card Distributors often use social media and online advertising to gain followers and attract new users. IMPORTANT NOTE: text and wording in all websites that feature a Scripcorp discount card or one or more of the Company’s many brands must be approved by Scripcorp management before publishing, and if changed, must be approved anew in each instance.
Even over a short period of time, a Card Distributor can generate thousands of dollars in commissions that can last for years. Since most card users are also treating chronic conditions, they consistently purchase refills using your card (already on file in the computer at their favorite pharmacy). Similar to an insurance card, a prescription discount card is generally shown only once to pharmacy staff, thereafter becoming the default discount tool saved in that person’s profile. That allows monthly income to build over time for our hardworking Distributors.
Start your own business and become a Card Distributor!
*Formularies and any discounts offered are subject to change without notice and will vary by pharmacy, drug, strength, dosage and the availability of generic alternative(s). Certain medications may not be discounted. Consult your pharmacist before presenting discount card. NOT INSURANCE. Void where prohibited. Discount cards may not be used in combination with other prescription benefits including Medicare and/or private insurance with a prescription benefit.

Our prescription discount card programs save, on average 55% to 65% off of the retail cost of most generic and brand name medications, with savings as high as 85% and more at all major pharmacies and many independents coast to coast. Physical (printed) cards can be handed out to consumers free of charge. Pharmacy employees can provide customers with digital versions of Scripcorp discount cards at the pharmacy counter, to deliver discount benefits on the spot.